New SPECviewperf 2020 v3.1 Benchmark for Measuring Graphics Performance

By Ross Cunniff, SPECgpc Committee Chair

Graphics requirements continue to evolve rapidly, and the SPEC® Graphics Performance Committee has responded with the release of the SPECviewperf 2020 v3.1 benchmark, a key update to the worldwide standard for measuring graphics performance. We’ve added support for Microsoft Windows 11, which is now being installed by OEMs on most new PCs. The new benchmark also offers enhanced GUI support for 4K, making it clearer when 3840x2160 resolution has been selected and indicating in results files that a benchmark was run at 4K resolution.

The SPECviewperf 2020 v3.1 benchmark enables hardware and software vendors and consumers to measure the 3D graphics performance of systems running under the OpenGL and DirectX application programming interfaces. Unlike most application performance benchmarks, the SPECviewperf 2020 benchmark utilizes workloads, called viewsets, that accurately represent the real-world graphics content and behavior of professional applications, eliminating the need to install the applications themselves.

The viewsets included in the SPECviewperf 2020 v3.1 benchmark represent the latest versions of 3ds Max, Catia, Creo, Maya and Solidworks. The benchmark also includes datasets representing real-world medical applications.

The SPECviewperf 2020 v3.1 benchmark is available as a free download to everyone except vendors of computers and related products and services that are not members of the SPEC Graphics and Workstation Performance Group (SPEC/GWPG). Non-member computer product and service vendors can purchase the benchmark for $2,500. SPEC/GWPG members include AMD, Dell, Fujitsu, HP, Intel, Lenovo, Nvidia and VeriSilicon.